Art of Captivity / Arte del Cautiverio


Art of Captivity / Arte del Cautiverio (University of Toronto Press, 2020), co-authored with Kevin Lewis O’Neill, is a full-length, Spanish/English ethnography with 66 color photographs. The book explores the Pentecostal drug rehabilitation centres of Guatemala City and how those held inside these centres (often against their will) turn to art-making with found objects and innovative supplies to create a sense of meaning and purpose.

The book makes two claims: first, it argues that societies have become subject both to a logic of abandonment and to large-scale regimes of captivity. Second, by taking seriously the cultural production of a population held hostage by the war on drugs, the book upsets an epistemological hierarchy by positing that images, like words, can make an argument. See our latest international virtual exhibition and watch the book launch with Jon Lee Anderson of The New Yorker at

Commentary on Art of Captivity


Javier Auyero

“Superbly written and supported by powerful and jarring images, this unique book raises important questions about violence, addiction, and creativity in the midst of captivity.”

Carol Hendrickson

Art of Captivity takes us into a nearly invisible world where pastors incarcerate drug users who wait long days—even years—for the miracle of salvation from addiction.”

Claudio Lomnitz

“This is an urgent work that uncovers a world of captivity, regeneration, and collective impotence. The text is concise, poignant, and perfectly clear, and the photos are striking.”


Rio de Janeiro